So... basically it has been AGES since either of us have made a blog post. For shame!!! All I can say is things have been pretty busy and since the weather has been so good I have been out and about doing things rather than huddled over the computer!! So, my apologies for the long delay. Spring is now in full bloom here in Scotland and so we have been taking advantage of it the best we can! Several weeks ago we went on a little trip to the beach to stay with our friends in Dunbar (which is on the eastern coast). For our first real cycling trip since we've been in Scotland it was a great sucess. We rode north to the coastal town of Musselburgh, followed the John Muir way along the coast highway, then cut south east through some lovely countryside. In total, we rode 38 miles going, and then taking a different route back, another 35 home. No flat tyres, or mechanical disasters. We made it safe and sound in pretty good time and got to see some fantastic sights along the way. We will definately be making additional trips in the future, both further south along the Scottish borders and also up north toward the highlands. Unfortunately it does not look like we will be able to do any trips longer than three days. Still, we will try to make the most of by taking the train home if necessary!
Another highlight of the last month was the Beltane Fire Festival, which was held on April 30th up on Calton Hill in Edinburgh. I was absolutely thrilled to see a pagan holiday get celebrated in such a massive fashion, with 25,000 people! In all, the festival was basicly a big dramatic production, with actors playing different roles in the battle between winter and spring. There was also a fair bit of fire dancing and other pyrotechnic thrills.
Over the weekend of May 7th, we headed off to Belfast, N. Ireland to run in a marathon relay team (Ryan went 9 miles and I went 7). Despite having to share our hostel with an incredibly rude and irritating youth rugby team which kept us up half the night we had a really great time. Both of our runs went very well and we left feeling very inspired, with me deciding to give it a go and try and run a full marathon this month (which will be next week), after all. Since then, Ryan has had to drop out of the running due to a knee injury, but I am still going for it, with three goals: to have a good time, to run 18 miles, and to finish, even if I have to walk the last 8!! Since I was unable to train as well as I really should have (due to being terribly ill for much of the winter and early spring) I am not going to break any records for sure. Still, I am going to give it my best shot and whatever I manage to do will be an achievement for sure. On Saturday I ran 15 miles, and not only survived but did it fairly well, so that was a real boost. Even if I don't finish this time around I see this year as a real achievement for me a physical terms and am determined to give it a go again next year, with the aim of finishing in under 5.5 hours. I feel incredibly inspired that I am able to do this at all, considering that I was never an athletic person as a kid and that until a year ago, didn't believe I was able to 'do' running at al! When I first started, I could barely run a mile. Let me tell you, if I can do this just about anybody can!!
In other news, I am plugging away on my dissertation, right on schedule. I have trimmed my subject down to analysing US foreign policy under the first bush administration (2001-04) with one case study (of Afghanistan). So far, so good. One chapter written, two more outlined and a whole slew of primary doc research completed. Will keep you all posted as progress is made, of course.
As of two weeks ago I finally got myself a job. I am now working part-time as a personal assistant. It is very easy work and allows me very flexible hours so even though I would like to work a bit more hours, I am pretty much happy with things. I might consider taking on a second job in August if I finish my dissertation early however.
I finally have begun recieving paperwork in the mail from LSE. I was given an unconditional placement offer a couple months ago, but just now I finally got everything all sorted and set up for sure. I will start classes on Oct 1, so we will be moving to London for sure sometime in the month of September. I am really excited about my studies next year. It will be an incredible opportunity to interact some some of the truly great experts in my field and I am certain, an enormously positive experience for my own professional development. Though we are both a little sad to leave Scotland, living in London will be a great experience for the both of us. Still, we are definately looking forward to our return to Oregon in 2008!!
This last weekend was Ryan's birthday (the big 23). We celebrated with a nice party at the flat with friends, and finished off the night with dancing at a nearby club. Yesterday, we went to Glasgow for a day trip, and had a thoroughly fun, laid back time strolling around the city taking in the sights. The weather was beautiful and Ryan was able to take some very nice pictures, which we will eventually get around to posting!!
Ok then, heres signing off for now. We love and miss you all much, and can't wait to see you folks who are coming to visit!