Saturday, November 04, 2006

and some pictures...

And here, my dears are some pictures from our latest trip to London:

This first one is a row of rather mexican looking houses in central london. So cute I would even like to live there. Because its on a mews, which is like a little alleyway, it was a pretty quiet street too.

Here are some rather nice but kind of dutch looking houses.

And a tube station, being propped up since its neighboring building no longer there. You see a lot of these in London.

Here, if you look closely is a 'wild' parrot in Hyde park, helping himself to some free lunch.

A momument to Prince Albert (Queen Victoria's husband)

And Royal Albert Hall...

The Natural history Musem, which to me looks like a big church. Notice in the second picture where they are cleaning soot off the side. Lovely, huh?

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