Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sponsor me please!!

Ok kids, here's the scoop... I've got everything arranged and am now in the process of raising money for my marathon!

For those of you out of the loop... Last May I ran my first marathon in Edinburgh and despite being ill most of the winter and poorly trained, managed to finish on my own two legs with a respectable time of five hours and forty-eight minutes. This year on May 11th I am giving it another go, except this time I am taking on a much more difficult race on the Isle of Wight and aim to shave more than an hour off of my time to finish in four and a half hours instead.

Running a marathon last year was a life-changing experience. Though becoming increasingly active in recent years, I never considered myself to be athletic. Suffering from asthma and frequent migraines, I have often found strenuous exercise to be very challenging. A few years ago I would have never thought it possible that I could run at all, let alone run 26.3 miles. Now I have been awakened to the possibility of pushing myself in totally new ways and deeply inspired as to what we are all capable of.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am using my running of the Isle of Wight marathon this year as an opportunity to not only challenge myself, but as a chance to contribute something good to the world by supporting a charity that is close to my heart, the London Migraine Clinic.

The London Migraine Clinic, where I myself am a patient, is a world-class non-profit institution that seeks to help individuals suffering from migraine to find the root causes for their pain and to help them better manage these triggers. In addition, it supports important research into why migraine happens and how the millions of us who get these debilitating headaches can better take control over our health and our lives. To learn more about the Clinic's work click here.

Please support me this year in my quest to run the Isle of Wight Marathon and help the London Migraine Clinic in its work by making a donation! Just go to the following link: http://www.colmc.org.uk/ and click on the left-hand tab of "How We are Funded" then on "Donate Now." Sadly there is no space to leave messages when you donate so please drop me an email when you do!

love you guys and thanks in advance!!

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