Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Hello everyone:
Though St. Paddy's is an Irish holiday there are plenty of those in our parts, and so yes it is going to be quite the night in Edinburgh this evening. A little too much maybe. We're going to a movie and steering clear of the bars!

I hope spring is treating you all very well. Here in Scotland we have been plugging away at the same old, same old, school and work. I am making good progress on my term papers, and look to getting them done early, so thats an improvement. A bit of exciting news lately. First of all, I finally got notification from the London School of Economics that I have been formally accepted into the Human Rights Msc, so I am now guaranteed a place in that program. yayyy! Also, (this is going to sound weird,) I have recieved an invitation to an evening reception with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace at the end of the month. I just couldn't pass this up and so I ditched my class trip to Brussels (which is happening the same week) and bought a train ticket to London instead! I'll let you know how it goes. I know the Queen doesn't really DO anything but I'm still totally excited to meet her.

We have finally got on the ball with our cyling program, and are planning several small tours of southern Scotland. Then, once we conquer the lowlands on to the highlands and western isles! We are planning on camping, so please send us your good anti-midgie thoughts so that we will hopefully avoid any attacks. (Midgies are horrible biting insects that often wreak painful havoc on those who dare to camp in the scottish wilds. I understand they are kind of like noseeums, except much much worse. eek!)

Ok here is another factoid: did you know that foxes are urban 'pests' in the UK, like raccoons are in oregon? They rummage through trash, steal pet food, etc. but they are oh so cute!!

And one more: There is a colony of about 30 brown bunnies which lives next to the Castle in Edinburgh. They are amazingly adorable and all like to hang out grazing together on the slopes below the battlements. However, very few people know they exist because they only come out after 2am and very few people walk through that area at night. Still they are quite tame and pretty much ignore you if you walk up to them. After a night out on the town, a bit of bunny watching is one of my favorite activities! I am working on getting a picture of them.

And finally, here are some lovely photos of springtime in Edinburgh:

1 comment:

Jesse Jenkins said...

You get to meet the QUEEN?! Wow. Pretty sweet ... even if she doesn't do anything (like you said). Still, how many people from Forest Grove (or Oregon for that matter) have met the Queen of England?! Nicely done...